Winter Maintenance Guide: Frozen pipes

A Winter Maintenance Guide to Preventing Frozen Pipes 

As the weather gets more frigid with each passing day in many parts of the world, it's important to be prepared for freezing temperatures. Frozen pipes are notoriously known to cause a significant amount of damage every year, and can result in thousands of dollars in damages if not handled correctly. When water freezes and expands, pressure builds, and vulnerable pipes are likely to burst. The smallest crack in a pipe can spew hundreds of gallons of water, resulting in flooding, mold, and structural damage. Unlike winter storms, bursting pipes are largely preventable with the right preparation. Here are a few tips on how to prevent frozen pipes, how to thaw frozen pipes before they burst, and how to avoid water damage before it’s too late:

Preventing Frozen Pipes

When temperatures drop below -6° C for at least six consecutive hours, pipes are at a risk of freezing. In order to mitigate the risk, it’s crucial to consider the following:

Insulate pipes: Pipes that are exposed, pipes that run through exterior walls, and pipes that are located in unheated crawl spaces, attics, and basements are all highly susceptible to freezing. To build thermal protection around pipes, it’s important to use materials like tubular foam, pipe wrap, and heat cable to raise water temperatures by -15.56° C.    

Seal leaks: Air leaks around electrical wiring and vents allow frigid temperatures to make their way around vulnerable pipes. Look for cracks around the building and tightly seal with caulk, weatherstripping, or additional insulation materials to keep cold air outside.

Keep consistent temperatures: Thermostats should be kept at a consistent temperature throughout the day and night. Dropping the temperature indoors at night may offer a lower heating bill, but adjusting below 12.78° C during extreme cold can cause a devastating strain on both pipes and furnaces.   

Thawing Frozen Pipes

If only a few drops of water trickle out of a faucet when it’s freezing outside, there’s a good chance the pipes are frozen. In this stage, it’s not too late to take action before they burst:  

Apply heat: Slowly apply heat using an electrical heating pad, a space heater, or hot towels. Be cautious of using appliances in areas of standing water to avoid electrocution. Start by warming the pipe as close to the faucet as possible, gradually moving towards the coldest portion of the pipe.   

Keep water running: While treating the pipes, keep faucets turned on to allow a consistent flow of water. As the frozen area begins to melt, running water will assist in preventing pressure buildup and blockages that can cause a burst. 

Check all faucets: If one pipe is frozen, it’s likely not an isolated situation. Check all faucets around the building for dripping water and repeat the heating process until all water pressure is restored.  

After Pipes Burst

When frozen pipes go undetected and untreated, ice blockages will likely cause pipes to burst. After the burst occurs, it’s critical to take immediate action. 

Contact a water restoration expert: When it comes to mold and bacteria, time is the enemy. Everything that comes into contact with water must be properly dried, cleaned and disinfected within 48 hours to avoid residual damage. Trained professionals know the quickest, safest, most efficient ways to salvage the building and its contents by measuring and recording temperature, moisture, and humidity.  

Shut off water: Locate the main water supply and shut it off to stop the heavy flow of water. Leave faucets on to relieve the pipe of remaining pressure and cold water. If the leak occurred near any electrical sockets or fuse boxes, it’s crucial to turn electricity off.  

Remove standing water: The longer water stays in the building, the higher potential for mold and mildew issues. Remove as much water and moisture from the area as possible, while waiting for the experts, using a durable dehumidifier and high-speed air mover. Carpeting, drywall, rugs, cloth, and other porous materials are the most vulnerable to damage.

But if disaster does strike, check out our blog on Disaster Restoration Solutions.

Winterization checklist: How to prepare your building for winter

Winterization checklist: How to prepare your building for winter

Avoid property damage with these quick tips

Winters in Canada and the northern U.S. are notoriously harsh. Each year, piled-up snow and ice damages roofs, and frozen pipes burst to wreak havoc on structures of all shapes and sizes. While winter storms are outside your control, preparing for them is not. 

Here are some quick tips to prepare your building for winter. 

Prevent Plumbing and Pipe Problems

One of the main threats that cold weather poses to buildings is frozen pipes. When pipes freeze, they burst, and the ensuing water damage can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and significant repair costs. Here’s what you can do to prepare:

  1. Keep inside temperature above 55F/12C to prevent freezing
  2. Check pipes for any air leaks
  3. If pipes are in non-insulated or non-heated areas, consider wrapping pipes in insulation to prevent freezing

Additionally, it’s best to expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst. In this case, that means having equipment on hand to handle flooding. When a pipe bursts and water spills into your building, the clock immediately begins ticking. Mold can form in just 24-72 hours. If you don’t have equipment on hand, you’ll be asking how to get rid of mold rather than how to prevent it. 

Here are some items you’ll want to have around in the case of a burst pipe:

  1. Air movers, such as the RAPTOR® RAM1000 Centrifugal Air Mover
  2. Dehumidifiers, such as the AQUATRAP® AT150RS LGR Dehumidifier

When flooding occurs, use air movers to dry the building and dehumidifiers to capture and remove the moisture in the air. 

Secure your Structure

Though snow may look light and fluffy when it’s falling, anyone who has shoveled snow knows that fluffy snowflakes accumulate into dense snow packs. While snow piling on your driveway may be little more than an annual inconvenience, snow piling on roofs can cause severe structural damage. 

The most dramatic example of structural damage from snow is roofs caving in. But this isn’t the only, or the most common, way that snow and ice on roofs can cause damage. The more common threat to structures from snow buildup is water damage. Snowmelt on roofs can leak into attics and cause mold growth. This can happen when shingles are missing or broken on the roofs, allowing water to seep through. 

Additionally, ice dams forming around gutters are a major concern. Like caved-in roofs, falling icicles causing serious injury or death to passersby are a dramatic example. More commonly, these icicles grow in size and weight, putting strain on gutters and causing them to break. When this happens, the falling gutters and ice can damage the rest of your structure and make exposed portions of the structure liable to water damage. 

Here’s what you can do to protect your roof from snow and ice:

  1. Clean the gutters, removing any leaves, debris, snow, or ice
  2. Inspect the roof, looking for missing or broken shingles
  3. Install heated cabling to warm your roof and prevent snow buildup

Have your HVAC’s Back

Your HVAC system has your back all year, keeping you cool in the summer and cozy in the winter. The least you can do is ensure it’s set up for success going into winter. As you put more strain on your HVAC system to heat your building throughout the cold winter months, here are a few things you can do to have its back:

  1. Change the filters
  2. Empty condensation traps
  3. Inspect the system for any blockages

Win with Winterization

At times, winter can feel like a primal battle between you and the elements. You never know what winter will throw at you, but by preparing for the worst, you set yourself up for success no matter what winter holds. This winter, be ready for anything with Abatement Technologies equipment at your disposal and win the battle against winter.
